Children's Home Society of Washington

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Volunteer receives governor service award

I am pleased to announce that German Rosas, Walla Walla volunteer, has been chosen as a recipient of the 2017 Governor’s Volunteer Service Award.

He has been supporting alongside his wife and CHSW staff member Mariela Rosas, the Academic Fun Club in Walla Walla, which provides homework assistance, tutoring, test prep and mentoring for children living in the Valle Lindo community. They also have been managing the Farm Labor Homes Summer Camp. German and Mariela have been involved in supporting CHSW for more than a decade, which inspired their two daughters to volunteer over the years. 

German was honored at the 13th annual Governor’s Volunteer Service Awards ceremony at the Executive Mansion in Olympia on April 11. First Lady Trudi Inslee presented the awards.

The award was under the social services category through a competitive statewide nomination process. German was thrilled to meet the governor and first lady.

That evening, German attended the Mariner’s’ Salute to Volunteers Night game and participated in a pre-game on-field special tribute to the volunteers.

The children and our staff are so appreciative of his service and the countless hours he has spent making a difference. German feels that whatever children need, he’s there for them. He is truly an outstanding volunteer.

Chelsea Sandlin is the director of Volunteer Programs.