Wakeyo family finds help amidst nationwide baby formula shortage

Some things are just out of our control.

In March 2022, the U.S. was experiencing a near-sudden collapse in baby formula availability. Consequently, many families with newborns were contacting us expressing their anxiety about being unable to find adequate formula to feed their babies.

Some spoke about rationing or watering down their supplies but worried about nutritional and weight decline.

Fortunately, just prior to the shortage, we received a sizeable donation from a generous community member. As a result, we were able to supply baby formula to every family who requested it.

According to one of our Family Navigators, our ability to provide families with an adequate supply to get them through the shortage “was a godsend for these families.” She said one mother literally hugged her when she received her supply. It was clear this mother was worried.

We didn’t stop there though. When families picked up their supply of formula, we also took the opportunity to explore other needs they may have.

One family who came in for formula, left with clothing, diapers, and a community resource for legal assistance with a child custody matter. When they first arrived, they looked anxious. But when they left, they were smiling—their joy was palpable. As they walked out the door, the father said:

“I arrived today not really knowing what to expect. I am so thankful for this organization and what you are doing for our community.”