A road to a new life

Amy experienced domestic violence when she was nine months pregnant. After her daughter, Sissi, was born in 2014, the abuse increased and Amy knew she needed help. Amy was not working and had only been in the United States for a few years with no family nearby. She didn’t feel safe at home.

After receiving help to move out on her own, she was referred to Children’s Home Society of Washington North Seattle Family Center. Staff provided Amy with an understanding of how to advocate for herself and apply for financial assistance, medical benefits, food and employment.

“I had no idea there were resources out there to help someone in my situation,” Amy said. “I am a single mother with a language barrier and CHSW knew exactly how to help me get my life back on track.”

She also enrolled in our home visiting program that supports the child and parent simultaneously through holistic and culturally appropriate approaches. Thanks to their home visitor, Sissi benefited from one-on-one learning that builds brain development in preparation for the first day of school while Amy was referred to other family support services. 

Sissi is now three-years-old and sleeps on her own. She talks more and expresses what she wants and how she feels. Amy has also developed skills to cope with strong emotions.

“My daughter has the opportunity to learn and improve her behavior thanks to home visiting,” Amy said. “Sissi has a real chance at succeeding in school too.”

Amy has started night school that provides free child care, so she can improve her English. She’s connecting with other single mothers at school, becoming more social and setting goals for herself and her child.  She is building a community around herself and her daughter.

“I am so appreciative of the encouragement and resources I received from CHSW,” Amy said. “I can stand on my own. I felt blind for so long and now I feel empowered to envision my future.” 

Jennifer Parsons is the marketing communications manager for CHSW.